Photo Experience Days by Michael Palmer Photography
Astro Photography Photo Experience Days

Due to the nature of the need for clear skies, these events will be last minute announcements, made a day or two ahead of time based on the weather data.

Information will be posted on the PED Facebook page and also emailed to those who have requested to be on the very special last minute mailing list.

If you'd like to be kept up to date, please drop me a message and I'll add you to the list.

Event Location: 
Various locations - normally within an hours drive of Southampton.


Please contact me via my contact page

What will be covered:

Focusing when its very hard to see anything in the viewfinder.
Star trails 
Milky way (time of year and moonlight permitting - a bright moon makes it much less visible)
Light Painting (depending on location - we'll attempt to light up the forecast subjects with light)
ISS (should it be paying us a visit)

In addition if you have any specific questions, I'll be there to help throughout.

Recommended equipment (but not necessarily essential)

Digital camera (ideally SLR or mirrorless)
A wide (ish) angle lens 
Extra camera batteries as some cameras tend to eat batteries while doing long exposures.
Appropriate clothing (it can get surprisingly cold even during summers evenings)
A tripod is essential for this PED
A remote cable trigger will make things easier
Torch - ideally with a red light option as this helps with night vision.